Authorised Member's Login Area
Note that the personal data of community member is already inserted in the system. The data was collected vide a physical survey. If your data is not yet collected, you may use this module for registration. In case you did not provide your cell phone number or email ID during survey, and wish to seek login, you may send such request through this module. On verification, Admin shall approve/update your record in database and an SMS/Email shall be send to inform you. This may take a day or two depending upon traffic. Till than, visit the various sections of the website.
Kindly note that the login's are restricted only to the person who falls under the purview of Trust. If at all you do not form the part of this scope, please do not submit your login request. It will be rejected upfront.
The members of Chaukalshi Vadval community who wish to seek access into the website should provide their following details alongside a reference from their base village. On successful validation, we shall provide you an OTP on your given cellular number. Your cell number and the said OTP shall be used for logging into your personal dashboard. digital team.